Source code for dataCAT.database_functions


A module for holding functions related to the :class:`.Database` class.

.. currentmodule:: dataCAT.database_functions
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: mol_to_file
.. autofunction:: _get_unflattend
.. autofunction:: df_to_mongo_dict
.. autofunction:: get_nan_row
.. autofunction:: as_pdb_array
.. autofunction:: from_pdb_array
.. autofunction:: sanitize_yaml_settings
.. autofunction:: even_index


import reprlib
from typing import (Collection, Union, Sequence, Tuple, List, Generator, Dict, Any)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scm.plams import (Molecule, Settings)
import scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.rdkit as molkit

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Mol

from CAT.utils import get_template

__all__ = ['df_to_mongo_dict']

Immutable = Union[str, int, float, frozenset, tuple]  # Immutable objects

def df_to_mongo_dict(df: pd.DataFrame,
                     as_gen: bool = True) -> Union[Generator, list]:
    """Convert a dataframe into a generator of dictionaries suitable for a MongoDB_ databases.

    Tuple-keys present in **df** (*i.e.* pd.MultiIndex) are expanded into nested dictionaries.

    .. _MongoDB:

    .. code:: python

        >>> print(df)
        index           E_solv
        sub index      Acetone Acetonitrile
        smiles  anchor
        C[O-]   O2       -56.6        -57.9
        CC[O-]  O3       -56.5        -57.6
        CCC[O-] O4       -57.1        -58.2

        >>> gen = df_to_mongo_dict(df)
        >>> print(type(gen))
        <class 'generator'>

        >>> for item in gen:
        >>>     print(item)
        {'E_solv': {'Acetone': -56.6, 'Acetonitrile': -57.9}, 'smiles': 'C[O-]', 'anchor': 'O2'}
        {'E_solv': {'Acetone': -56.5, 'Acetonitrile': -57.6}, 'smiles': 'CC[O-]', 'anchor': 'O3'}
        {'E_solv': {'Acetone': -57.1, 'Acetonitrile': -58.2}, 'smiles': 'CCC[O-]', 'anchor': 'O4'}

    df : |pd.DataFrame|_
        A Pandas DataFrame whose axis and columns are instance of pd.MultiIndex.

    as_gen : bool
        If ``True``, return a generator of dictionaries rather than a list of dictionaries.

    |Generator|_ [|dict|_] or |list|_ [|dict|_]
        A generator or list of nested dictionaries construced from **df**.
        Each row in **df** is converted into a single dictionary.
        The to-be returned dictionaries are updated with a dictionary containing their respective
        (multi-)index in **df**.

    def _get_dict(idx: Sequence[Immutable],
                  row: pd.Series,
                  idx_names: Sequence[Immutable]) -> dict:
        ret = {i: row[i].to_dict() for i in row.index.levels[0]}  # Add values
        ret.update(dict(zip(idx_names, idx)))  # Add index
        return ret

    if not (isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex) and isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex)):
        raise TypeError("DataFrame.index and DataFrame.columns should be "
                        "instances of pandas.MultiIndex")

    idx_names = df.index.names
    if as_gen:
        return (_get_dict(idx, row, idx_names) for idx, row in df.iterrows())
    return [_get_dict(idx, row, idx_names) for idx, row in df.iterrows()]

#: A dictionary with NumPy dtypes as keys and matching ``None``-esque items as values
DTYPE_DICT: Dict[np.dtype, Any] = {
    np.dtype('int'): -1,
    np.dtype('float'): np.nan,
    np.dtype('O'): None,
    np.dtype('bool'): False

def get_nan_row(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list:
    """Return a list of None-esque objects for each column in **df**.

    The object in question depends on the data type of the column.
    Will default to ``None`` if a specific data type is not recognized

        * |np.int64|_: ``-1``
        * |np.float64|_: ``np.nan``
        * |object|_: ``None``
        * |bool|_: ``False``

    df : |pd.DataFrame|_
        A dataframe.

    |list|_ [|int|_, |float|_, |bool|_ and/or |None|_]
        A list of none-esque objects, one for each column in **df**.

    return [(DTYPE_DICT[v.dtype] if v.dtype in DTYPE_DICT else None) for _, v in df.items()]

[docs]def as_pdb_array(mol_list: Collection[Molecule], min_size: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: """Convert a list of PLAMS molecule into an array of (partially) de-serialized .pdb files. Parameters ---------- mol_list: :math:`m` |list|_ [|plams.Molecule|_] A list of :math:`m` PLAMS molecules. min_size : int The minimumum length of the pdb_array. The array is padded with empty strings if required. Returns ------- :math:`m*n` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.bytes|_ *|S80*] An array with :math:`m` partially deserialized .pdb files with up to :math:`n` lines each. """ def _get_value(mol: Molecule) -> Tuple[List[str], int]: """Return a partially deserialized .pdb file and the length of aforementioned file.""" ret = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(molkit.to_rdmol(mol)).splitlines() return ret, len(ret) pdb_list, shape_list = zip(*[_get_value(mol) for mol in mol_list]) # Construct, fill and return the pdb array shape = len(mol_list), max(min_size, max(shape_list)) ret = np.zeros(shape, dtype='S80') for i, item in enumerate(pdb_list): ret[i][:len(item)] = item return ret
[docs]def from_pdb_array(array: np.ndarray, rdmol: bool = True) -> Union[Molecule, Mol]: """Convert an array with a (partially) de-serialized .pdb file into a molecule. Parameters ---------- array : :math:`n` |np.ndarray|_ [|np.bytes|_ / S80] A (partially) de-serialized .pdb file with :math:`n` lines. rdmol : |bool|_ If ``True``, return an RDKit molecule instead of a PLAMS molecule. Returns ------- |plams.Molecule|_ or |rdkit.Chem.Mol|_ A PLAMS or RDKit molecule build from **array**. """ pdb_str = ''.join([item.decode() + '\n' for item in array if item]) ret = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_str, removeHs=False, proximityBonding=False) if not rdmol: return molkit.from_rdmol(ret) return ret
[docs]def sanitize_yaml_settings(settings: Settings, job_type: str) -> Settings: """Remove a predetermined set of unwanted keys and values from a settings object. Parameters ---------- settings : |plams.Settings|_ A settings instance with, potentially, undesired keys and values. job_type: |str|_ The name of key in the settings blacklist. Returns ------- |plams.Settings|_ A new Settings instance with all unwanted keys and values removed. Raises ------ KeyError Raised if **jobtype** is not found in .../CAT/data/templates/settings_blacklist.yaml. """ # Prepare a blacklist of specific keys blacklist = get_template('settings_blacklist.yaml') if job_type not in blacklist: return settings.copy() settings_del = blacklist['generic'] settings_del.update(blacklist[job_type]) # Recursivelly delete all keys from **s** if aforementioned keys are present in the s_del ret = settings.copy() del_nested(settings, ret, settings_del) return ret
def del_nested(s_ref: Settings, s_ret: dict, del_item: dict) -> None: """Remove all keys in **del_item** from **collection**: a (nested) dictionary and/or list.""" empty = Settings() iterator = s_ref.items() if isinstance(s_ref, dict) else enumerate(s_ref) for key, value in iterator: if key in del_item: value_del = del_item[key] if isinstance(value_del, (dict, list)): del_nested(value, s_ret[key], value_del) else: del s_ret[key] if value == empty: # An empty (leftover) Settings instance: delete it del s_ret[key] def even_index(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Ensure that ``df2.index`` is a subset of ``df1.index``. Parameters ---------- df1 : |pd.DataFrame|_ A DataFrame whose index is to-be a superset of ``df2.index``. df2 : |pd.DataFrame|_ A DataFrame whose index is to-be a subset of ``df1.index``. Returns ------- |pd.DataFrame|_ A new (sorted) dataframe containing all unique elements of ``df1.index`` and ``df2.index``. Returns **df1** if ``df2.index`` is already a subset of ``df1.index`` """ # Figure out if ``df1.index`` is a subset of ``df2.index`` bool_ar = df2.index.isin(df1.index) if bool_ar.all(): return df1 # Make ``df1.index`` a subset of ``df2.index`` nan_row = get_nan_row(df1) idx = df2.index[~bool_ar] df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(len(idx) * [nan_row], index=idx, columns=df1.columns) return df1.append(df_tmp, sort=True)