Source code for


A recipe for calculating the rotational and translational entropy.

.. currentmodule::
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: get_entropy


from typing import Tuple, NamedTuple

from scm.plams import Molecule, Units
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['get_entropy']

class EntropyTuple(NamedTuple):
    S_trans: float
    S_rot: float

[docs]def get_entropy(mol: Molecule, temp: float = 298.15) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Calculate the translational of the passsed molecule. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`~scm.plams.mol.molecule.Molecule` A PLAMS molecule. temp : :class:`float` The temperature in Kelvin. Returns ------- :class:`float` & :class:`float` Two floats respectively representing the translational and rotational entropy. Units are in kcal/mol/K """ # Define constants (SI units) pi = np.pi kT = 1.380648 * 10**-23 * temp # Boltzmann constant * temperature h = 6.6260701 * 10**-34 # Planck constant R = 8.31445 # Gas constant # Volume(1 mol ideal gas) / Avogadro's number V_Na = ((R * temp) / 10**5) / Units.constants['NA'] mass: np.ndarray = np.array([at.mass for at in mol]) * 1.6605390 * 10**-27 x, y, z = mol.as_array().T * 10**-10 # Calculate the rotational partition function: q_rot inertia = np.array([ [sum(mass*(y**2 + z**2)), -sum(mass*x*y), -sum(mass*x*z)], [-sum(mass*x*y), sum(mass*(x**2 + z**2)), -sum(mass*y*z)], [-sum(mass*x*z), -sum(mass*y*z), sum(mass*(x**2 + y**2))] ]) inertia_product = np.product(np.linalg.eig(inertia)[0]) q_rot = pi**0.5 * ((8 * pi**2 * kT) / h**2)**1.5 * inertia_product**0.5 # Calculate the translational and rotational entropy in j/mol S_trans: np.float64 = 1.5 + np.log(V_Na * ((2 * pi * sum(mass) * kT) / h**2)**1.5) S_rot: np.float64 = 1.5 + np.log(q_rot) # Apply the unit ret: np.ndarray = np.array([S_trans, S_rot]) * R ret *= Units.conversion_ratio('kj/mol', 'kcal/mol') / 1000 return EntropyTuple(ret.item(0), ret.item(1))