Source code for nanoCAT.bde.dissociate_xyn


A module for constructing :math:`XY_{n}`-dissociated quantum dots.

.. currentmodule:: nanoCAT.bde.dissociate_xyn
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: dissociate_ligand
.. autoclass:: MolDissociater
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.remove_bulk
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.assign_topology
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.get_pairs_closest
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.get_pairs_distance
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.combinations
.. automethod:: MolDissociater.__call__


from itertools import chain, combinations
from typing import (
    Union, Mapping, Iterable, Tuple, Dict, List, Optional, FrozenSet, Generator,
    Any, TypeVar, SupportsInt, Set, Collection

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from scm.plams import Molecule, Atom, MoleculeError
from scm.plams.interfaces.molecule import rdkit as molkit
from assertionlib.dataclass import AbstractDataClass

from CAT.utils import iter_repeat
from CAT.mol_utils import to_atnum
from CAT.attachment.ligand_anchoring import _smiles_to_rdmol
from nanoutils import group_by_values

from .guess_core_dist import guess_core_core_dist
from .identify_surface import identify_surface

__all__ = ['MolDissociater']

T = TypeVar('T')
CombinationsTuple = Tuple[FrozenSet[int], FrozenSet[int]]
IdxMapping = Mapping[int, Collection[int]]

[docs]def dissociate_ligand(mol: Molecule, lig_count: int, lig_core_pairs: Optional[int] = 1, lig_core_dist: Optional[float] = None, core_atom: Union[None, int, str] = None, core_index: Union[None, int, Iterable[int]] = None, core_smiles: Optional[str] = None, core_core_dist: Optional[float] = None, topology: Optional[Mapping[int, str]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Generator[Molecule, None, None]: r"""Remove :math:`XY_{n}` from **mol** with the help of the :class:`MolDissociater` class. The dissociation process consists of 5 general steps: * Constructing a :class:`MolDissociater` instance for managing the dissociation workflow. * Assigning a topology-descriptor to each atom with :meth:`MolDissociater.assign_topology`. * Identifying all valid core/ligand pairs using either :meth:`MolDissociater.get_pairs_closest` or :meth:`MolDissociater.get_pairs_distance`. * Creating all to-be dissociated core/ligand combinations with :meth:`MolDissociater.get_combinations`. * Start the dissociation process by calling the earlier created :class:`MolDissociater` instance. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from typing import Iterator >>> import numpy as np >>> from scm.plams import Molecule # Define parameters >>> mol = Molecule(...) >>> core_idx = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> lig_idx = [10, 20, 30, 40] >>> lig_count = 2 # Start the workflow >>> dissociate = MolDissociater(mol, core_idx, lig_count) >>> dissociate.assign_topology() >>> pairs: np.ndarray = dissociate.get_pairs_closest(lig_idx) >>> combinations: Iterator[tuple] = dissociate.get_combinations(pairs) # Create the final iterator >>> mol_iterator: Iterator[Molecule] = dissociate(cor_lig_combinations) Parameters ---------- mol : |plams.Molecule| A molecule. lig_count : :class:`int` The number of to-be dissociated ligands per core atom/molecule. lig_core_pairs : :class:`int`, optional The number of to-be dissociated core/ligand pairs per core atom. Core/ligand pairs are picked based on whichever ligands are closest to each core atom. This option is irrelevant if a distance based criterium is used (see **lig_dist**). lig_core_dist : :class:`float`, optional Instead of dissociating a given number of core/ligand pairs (see **lig_pairs**) dissociate all pairs within a given distance from a core atom. core_index : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] An index or set of indices with all to-be dissociated core atoms. See **core_atom** to define **core_idx** based on a common atomic symbol/number. core_atom : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional An atomic number or symbol used for automatically defining **core_idx**. Core atoms within the bulk (rather than on the surface) are ignored. core_smiles : :class:`str`, optional A SMILES string representing molecule containing **core_idx**. Provide a value here if one wants to disociate an entire molecules from the core and not just atoms. core_core_dist : :class:`float`, optional A value representing the mean distance between the core atoms in **core_idx**. If ``None``, guess this value based on the radial distribution function of **mol** (this is generally recomended). topology : :class:`Mapping<>` [:class:`int`, :class:`str`], optional A mapping neighbouring of atom counts to a user specified topology descriptor (*e.g.* ``"edge"``, ``"vertice"`` or ``"face"``). \**kwargs : :data:`Any<typing.Any>` For catching excess keyword arguments. Returns ------- :class:`Generator<>` [|plams.Molecule|] A generator yielding new molecules with :math:`XY_{n}` removed. Raises ------ :exc:`TypeError` Raised if **core_atom** and **core_idx** are both ``None`` or **lig_core_pairs** and **lig_core_dist** are both ``None``. """ if core_atom is core_index is None: raise TypeError("The 'core_atom' and 'core_idx' parameters cannot be both 'None'") elif lig_core_pairs is lig_core_dist is None: raise TypeError("The 'lig_core_pairs' and 'lig_core_dist' parameters cannot be both 'None'") # Set **core_idx** to all atoms within **mol** matching **core_atom** if core_atom is not None: atnum = to_atnum(core_atom) core_index = [i for i, at in enumerate(mol, 1) if at.atnum == atnum] # Construct a MolDissociater instance dissociate = MolDissociater(mol, core_index, lig_count, core_core_dist, topology) if core_atom: dissociate.remove_bulk() # Remove atoms not exposed to the surface dissociate.assign_topology() # Construct an array with all core/ligand pairs lig_idx = np.fromiter((i for i, at in enumerate(mol, 1) if, dtype=int) if lig_core_dist is None: # Create n pairs regardless of any radius cl_pairs = dissociate.get_pairs_closest(lig_idx, n_pairs=lig_core_pairs) else: # Create all pairs within a given radius cl_pairs = dissociate.get_pairs_distance(lig_idx, max_dist=lig_core_dist) # Dissociate the ligands lig_mapping = _lig_mapping(mol, lig_idx) core_mapping = _core_mapping(mol, dissociate.core_idx+1, core_smiles) if core_smiles else None cl_combinations = dissociate.combinations(cl_pairs, lig_mapping, core_mapping) return dissociate(cl_combinations)
def _lig_mapping(mol: Molecule, idx: Iterable[int]) -> IdxMapping: """Map **idx** to all atoms with the same residue number.""" idx = as_array(idx, dtype=int) # 1-based indices iterator = ((i,'ResidueNumber', i)) for i, at in enumerate(mol, 1)) lig_mapping = group_by_values(iterator) valid_keys = (mol[i].properties.pdb_info.get('ResidueNumber', i) for i in idx) return {i: lig_mapping[k] for i, k in zip(idx, valid_keys)} def _core_mapping(mol: Molecule, idx: Iterable[int], smiles: str) -> IdxMapping: """Map **idx** to all atoms part of the same substructure (see **smiles**).""" idx = as_array(idx, dtype=int) # 1-based indices rdmol = molkit.to_rdmol(mol) rd_smiles = _smiles_to_rdmol(smiles) values: np.ndarray = np.array(rdmol.GetSubstructMatches(rd_smiles, useChirality=True)) values += 1 keys = np.intersect1d(idx, values) len_keys, len_values = len(keys), len(values) if len_keys != len_values: raise ValueError("Keys and values are of non-equal length: {len_keys} & {len(values)}") iterator = zip(keys, values.tolist()) return dict(iterator) class DummyGetter: """A mapping placeholder; calling `__getitem__` will return the supplied key embedded within a tuple.""" # noqa def __getitem__(self, key: SupportsInt) -> Tuple[int]: return (key,) _DUMMY_GETTER = DummyGetter()
[docs]class MolDissociater(AbstractDataClass): """The :class:`MolDissociater` class; serves as an API for :func:`dissociate_ligand`. Parameters ---------- mol : |plams.Molecule| A PLAMS molecule consisting of cores and ligands. See :attr:`MolDissociater.mol`. core_idx : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] An iterable with (1-based) atomic indices of all core atoms valid for dissociation. See :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. ligand_count : :class:`int` The number of ligands to-be dissociation with a single atom from :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. See :attr:`MolDissociater.ligand_count`. max_dist : :class:`float`, optional The maximum distance between core atoms for them to-be considered neighbours. If ``None``, this value will be guessed based on the radial distribution function of **mol**. See :attr:`MolDissociater.ligand_count`. topology : :class:`dict` [:class:`int`, :class:`str`], optional A mapping of neighbouring atom counts to a user-specified topology descriptor. See :attr:`MolDissociater.topology`. Attributes ---------- mol : |plams.Molecule| A PLAMS molecule consisting of cores and ligands. core_idx : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] An iterable with (1-based) atomic indices of all core atoms valid for dissociation. ligand_count : :class:`int` The number of ligands to-be dissociation with a single atom from :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. max_dist : :class:`float`, optional The maximum distance between core atoms for them to-be considered neighbours. If ``None``, this value will be guessed based on the radial distribution function of :attr:`MolDissociater.mol`. topology : :class:`dict` [:class:`int`, :class:`str`], optional A mapping of neighbouring atom counts to a user-specified topology descriptor. """ """####################################### Properties #######################################""" @property def mol(self) -> Molecule: return self._mol @mol.setter def mol(self, value: Molecule) -> None: self._mol = value try: self._coords = value.as_array() except (TypeError, AttributeError) as ex: raise TypeError("'mol' expected a 'Molecule'; observed type: " f"'{value.__class__.__name__}'").with_traceback(ex.__traceback__) @property def core_idx(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._core_idx @core_idx.setter def core_idx(self, value: Union[int, Iterable[int]]) -> None: self._core_idx = core_idx = as_array(value, dtype=int, ndmin=1, copy=True) core_idx -= 1 core_idx.sort() @property def max_dist(self) -> float: return self._max_dist @max_dist.setter def max_dist(self, value: Optional[float]) -> None: if value is not None: self._max_dist = float(value) else: idx = 1 + self.core_idx[0] self._max_dist = guess_core_core_dist(self.mol, self.mol[idx]) @property def topology(self) -> Mapping[int, str]: return self._topology @topology.setter def topology(self, value: Optional[Mapping[int, str]]) -> None: self._topology = value or {} _PRIVATE_ATTR: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset({'_coords'}) def __init__(self, mol: Molecule, core_idx: Union[int, Iterable[int]], ligand_count: int, max_dist: Optional[float] = None, topology: Optional[Mapping[int, str]] = None) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`MolDissociater` instance.""" super().__init__() # Private instance variables self._coords = None # Public instance variables self.mol = mol self.core_idx = core_idx self.ligand_count = ligand_count self.max_dist = max_dist self.topology = topology @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() def _str_iterator(self): return ((k.strip('_'), v) for k, v in super()._str_iterator())
[docs] def remove_bulk(self, max_vec_len: float = 0.5) -> None: """Remove out atoms specified in :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx` which are present in the bulk. The function searches for all neighbouring core atoms within a radius :attr:`MolDissociater.max_dist`. Vectors are then constructed from the core atom to the mean positioon of its neighbours. Vector lengths close to 0 thus indicate that the core atom is surrounded in a (nearly) spherical pattern, *i.e.* it's located in the bulk of the material and not on the surface. Performs in inplace update of :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. Parameters ---------- max_vec_len : :class:`float` The maximum length of an atom vector to-be considered part of the bulk. Atoms producing smaller values are removed from :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. Units are in Angstroem. """ # noqa xyz: np.ndarray = self._coords i: np.ndarray = self.core_idx max_dist: float = self.max_dist norm_accept = identify_surface(xyz[i], max_dist=max_dist, tolerance=max_vec_len) self._core_idx = i[norm_accept]
"""################################## Topology assignment ##################################"""
[docs] def assign_topology(self) -> None: """Assign a topology to all core atoms in :attr:`MolDissociater.core_idx`. The topology descriptor is based on: * The number of neighbours within a radius defined by :attr:`MolDissociater.max_dist`. * The mapping defined in :attr:`MolDissociater.topology`, which maps the number of neighbours to a user-defined topology description. If no topology description is available for a particular neighbouring atom count, then a generic :code:`f"{i}_neighbours"` descriptor is used (where `i` is the neighbouring atom count). Performs an inplace update of all :class:`<scm.plams.mol.atom.Atom>` values. """ # noqa # Extract variables mol: Molecule = self.mol xyz: np.ndarray = self._coords i: np.ndarray = self.core_idx max_dist: float = self.max_dist # Create a distance matrix and find all elements with a distance smaller than **max_dist** dist = cdist(xyz[i], xyz[i]) np.fill_diagonal(dist, max_dist) # Find all valid core atoms and create a topology indicator valid_core, _ = np.where(dist <= max_dist) neighbour_count = np.bincount(valid_core, minlength=len(i)) neighbour_count -= 1 topology: List[str] = self._get_topology(neighbour_count) core_idx = 1 + self.core_idx # Switch from 0-based to 1-based indices for j, top in zip(core_idx, topology): mol[j].properties.topology = top
def _get_topology(self, neighbour_count: Iterable[int]) -> List[str]: """Translate the number of neighbouring atoms (**bincount**) into a list of topologies. If a specific number of neighbours (*i*) is absent from **topology_dict** then that particular element is set to a generic :code:`str(i) + '_neighbours'`. Parameters ---------- neighbour_count : :math:`n` :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] An array representing the number of neighbouring atoms per array-element. Returns ------- :math:`n` :class:`list` [:class:`str`] A list of topologies for all :math:`n` atoms in **bincount**. See Also -------- :attr:`MolDissociater.topology` A dictionary that maps neighbouring atom counts to a user-specified topology descriptor. """ topology: Mapping[int, str] = self.topology return [topology.get(i, f'{i}_neighbours') for i in neighbour_count] """############################ core/ligand pair identification ############################"""
[docs] def get_pairs_closest(self, lig_idx: Union[int, Iterable[int]], n_pairs: int = 1) -> np.ndarray: r"""Create and return the indices of each core atom and the :math:`n` closest ligands. Parameters ---------- lig_idx : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] The (1-based) indices of all ligand anchor atoms. n_pairs : :class:`int` The number of to-be returned pairs per core atom. If :code:`n_pairs > 1` than each successive set of to-be dissociated ligands is determined by the norm of the :math:`n` distances. Returns ------- 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array with the indices of all valid ligand/core pairs. """ if n_pairs <= 0: raise ValueError("The 'n_pairs' parameter should be larger than 0") # Extract instance variables xyz: np.ndarray = self._coords i: np.ndarray = self.core_idx j: np.ndarray = as_array(lig_idx, dtype=int) - 1 n: int = self.ligand_count # Find all core atoms within a radius **max_dist** from a ligand dist = cdist(xyz[i], xyz[j]) if n_pairs == 1: lig_idx = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)[:, :n] core_idx = i[:, None] return np.hstack([core_idx, j[lig_idx]]) # Shrink the distance matrix, keep the n_pairs smallest distances per row stop = max(1 + n, 1 + n_pairs) idx_small = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)[:, :stop] dist_smallest = np.take_along_axis(dist, idx_small, axis=1) # Create an array of combinations combine = np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(combinations(range(stop), n)), dtype=int) combine.shape = -1, n # Accept the n_pair entries (per row) based on the norm norm = np.linalg.norm(dist_smallest[:, combine], axis=2) idx_accept = combine[np.argsort(norm, axis=1)[:, :n_pairs]] idx_accept.shape = len(idx_accept), -1 # Create an array with all core/ligand pairs lig_idx = np.take_along_axis(idx_small, idx_accept, axis=1) lig_idx.shape = -1, n core_idx = np.fromiter(iter_repeat(i, n_pairs), dtype=int)[:, None] return np.hstack([core_idx, j[lig_idx]])
[docs] def get_pairs_distance(self, lig_idx: Union[int, Iterable[int]], max_dist: float = 5.0) -> np.ndarray: r"""Create and return the indices of each core atom and all ligand pairs with **max_dist**. Parameters ---------- lig_idx : :class:`int` or :class:`Iterable<>` [:class:`int`] The (1-based) indices of all ligand anchor atoms. max_dist : :class:`float` The radius (Angstroem) used as cutoff. Returns ------- 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` [:class:`int`] A 2D array with the indices of all valid ligand/core pairs. """ if max_dist <= 0.0: raise ValueError("The 'max_dist' parameter should be larger than 0.0") # Extract instance variables xyz: np.ndarray = self._coords i: np.ndarray = self.core_idx j: np.ndarray = as_array(lig_idx, dtype=int) - 1 n: int = self.ligand_count # Find all core atoms within a radius **max_dist** from a ligand dist = cdist(xyz[j], xyz[i]) np.fill_diagonal(dist, max_dist) # Construct a mapping with core atoms and keys and all matching ligands as values idx = np.where(dist < max_dist) pair_mapping: Dict[int, List[int]] = group_by_values(zip(*idx)) # Return a 2D array with all valid core/ligand pairs items = pair_mapping.items() cor_lig_pairs = list(chain.from_iterable( ((k,) + n_tup for n_tup in combinations(v, n)) for k, v in items if len(v) >= n )) ret = np.array(cor_lig_pairs) try: ret[:, 1:] = j[ret[:, 1:]] ret[:, 0] = i[ret[:, 0]] except IndexError: if not idx[0].any(): raise MoleculeError(f"No ligands found within a radius of {max_dist} Angstroem") else: raise MoleculeError(f"Not enough ligands found (>= {n}) within a radius of " "{max_dist} Angstroem") return ret
[docs] def combinations(self, cor_lig_pairs: np.ndarray, lig_mapping: Optional[IdxMapping] = None, core_mapping: Optional[IdxMapping] = None) -> Set[CombinationsTuple]: """Create a list with all to-be removed atom combinations. Parameters ---------- cor_lig_pairs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array with the indices of all core/ligand pairs. lig_mapping : :class:`Mapping<>`, optional A mapping for translating (1-based) atomic indices in ``cor_lig_pairs[:, 0]`` to lists of (1-based) atomic indices. Used for mapping ligand anchor atoms to the rest of the to-be dissociated ligands. core_mapping : :class:`Mapping<>`, optional A mapping for translating (1-based) atomic indices in ``cor_lig_pairs[:, 1:]`` to lists of (1-based) atomic indices. Used for mapping core atoms to the to-be dissociated sub structures. Returns ------- :class:`set` [:class:`tuple`] A set of 2-tuples. The first element of each tuple is a :class:`frozenset` with the (1-based) indices of all to-be removed core atoms. The second element contains a :class:`frozenset` with the (1-based) indices of all to-be removed ligand atoms. """ c_map = core_mapping if core_mapping is not None else _DUMMY_GETTER l_map = lig_mapping if lig_mapping is not None else _DUMMY_GETTER # Switch from 0-based to 1-based indices pairs = cor_lig_pairs + 1 # Commence the iteration! cores = pairs[:, 0] ligands = pairs[:, 1:] core_iterator = (frozenset(c_map[cor]) for cor in cores) lig_iterator = (frozenset(chain.from_iterable(l_map[i] for i in lig)) for lig in ligands) return set(zip(core_iterator, lig_iterator))
"""################################# Molecule dissociation #################################"""
[docs] def __call__(self, combinations: Iterable[CombinationsTuple]) -> Generator[Molecule, None, None]: """Start the dissociation process.""" # Extract instance variables mol: Molecule = self.mol # Construct new indices core_idx, lig_idx = next(iter(combinations)) core_is_lig = bool(core_idx.intersection(lig_idx)) indices = self._get_new_indices(core_is_lig=core_is_lig) for core_idx, lig_idx in combinations: # Create a new molecule mol_new = mol.copy() s = # Create a list of to-be removed atoms core: Atom = mol_new[next(iter(core_idx))] delete_at = {mol_new[i] for i in core_idx} delete_at.update(mol_new[i] for i in lig_idx) # Update the attribute of the new molecule = ( or 'mol') + '_wo_XYn' s.indices = indices s.job_path = [] s.core_topology = f'{}_{next(iter(core_idx))}' try: s.lig_residue = sorted({ mol_new[i].properties.pdb_info.ResidueNumber for i in lig_idx }) except TypeError: s.lig_residue = sorted(lig_idx) s.df_index: str = s.core_topology + ''.join(f' {i}' for i in s.lig_residue) for at in delete_at: mol_new.delete_atom(at) yield mol_new
def _get_new_indices(self, core_is_lig: bool = False) -> List[int]: """Return an updated version of :attr:`MolDissociater.mol` ``.properties.indices``.""" n: int = self.ligand_count mol: Molecule = self.mol if not = indices = [] return indices # Delete the indices of the last n ligands ret = for _ in range(n): del ret[-1] if core_is_lig: # The ligands are dissociated without the core return ret # Delete the index of the last core atom core_max = self.core_idx[-1] idx = ret.index(core_max) del ret[idx] # Update the indices of all remaining ligands for i in ret: i -= 1 return ret
def as_array(iterable: Iterable, dtype: Union[None, str, type, np.dtype] = None, copy: bool = False, ndmin: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: """Convert a generic iterable (including iterators) into a NumPy array. See :func:`numpy.array` for an extensive description of all parameters. """ try: ret = np.array(iterable, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) except TypeError: # **iterable** is an iterator ret = np.fromiter(iterable, dtype=dtype) if ret.ndim < ndmin: ret.shape += (1,) * (ndmin - ret.ndim) return ret