Source code for CAT.attachment.mol_split_cm

"""A context manager for temporary splitting (and reassembling) molecules.

.. currentmodule:: CAT.attachment.mol_split_cm
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: SplitMol


import copy
import reprlib
from typing import Iterable, Union, Dict, Tuple, NoReturn, Any, Type
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager

from scm.plams import Molecule, Atom, PT, Bond, MoleculeError, PTError, rotation_matrix

from ..mol_utils import separate_mod  # noqa: F401

__all__ = ['SplitMol']

[docs]class SplitMol(AbstractContextManager): """A context manager for temporary splitting a single molecule into multiple components. The context manager splits the provided molecule into multiple components, capping all broken bonds in the process. The exact amount of fragments depends on the number of specified bonds. These moleculair fragments are returned upon opening the context manager and merged back into the initial molecule once the context manager is closed. While opened, the initial molecule is cleared of all atoms and bonds, while the same hapens to the moleculair fragments upon closing. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from scm.plams import Molecule, Bond, from_smiles >>> mol: Molecule = from_smiles('CC') # Ethane >>> bond: Bond = mol[1, 2] # A backup of all bonds and atoms >>> bonds_backup = mol.bonds.copy() >>> atoms_backup = mol.atoms.copy() # The context manager is opened; the bond is removed and the molecule is fragmented >>> with SplitMol(mol, bond) as fragment_tuple: ... for fragment in fragment_tuple: ... fancy_operation(fragment) # doctest: +SKIP ... ... print( ... mol.bonds == bonds_backup, ... mol.atoms == atoms_backup, ... bond in mol.bonds ... ) False False False # The context manager is closed; all atoms and bonds have been restored >>> print( ... mol.bonds == bonds_backup, ... mol.atoms == atoms_backup, ... bond in mol.bonds ... ) True True True Parameters ---------- mol : |plams.Molecule| A PLAMS molecule. See :attr:`SplitMol.mol`. bond_list : |plams.Bond| or |Iterable| [|plams.Bond|] An iterable consisting of PLAMS bonds. All bonds must be part of **mol**. See :attr:`SplitMol.bonds`. cap_type : :class:`str`, :class:`int` or |plams.Atom| An atomic number or symbol of the atom type used for capping the to-be split molecule. See :attr:`SplitMol.cap_type`. Attributes ---------- mol : |plams.Molecule| A PLAMS molecule. bonds : :class:`set` [|plams.Bond|] A set of PLAMS bonds. cap_type : :class:`str` An atomic symbol of the atom type used for capping the to-be split molecule. _at_pairs : :class:`list` [:class:`dict` [|plams.Atom|, |plams.Atom|]], optional A list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains two atoms as keys (see :attr:`SplitMol.bond_list`) and their respective capping atom as values. Used for reassembling :attr:`SplitMol.mol` once the context manager is closed. Set internally by :meth:`SplitMol.__enter__`. _vars_backup : :class:`dict` [:class:`str`, |Any|], optional A backup of all instance variables of :attr:`SplitMol.mol`. Set internally by :meth:`SplitMol.__enter__`. _tmp_mol_list : :class:`tuple` [|plams.Molecule|], optional A list of PLAMS molecules obtained by splitting :attr:`SplitMol.mol`. Set internally by :meth:`SplitMol.__enter__`. Raises ------ |MoleculeError| Raised when one attempts to access or manipulate the instance variables of :attr:`SplitMol.mol` when the context manager is opened. """ def __init__(self, mol: Molecule, bond_list: Union[Bond, Iterable[Bond]], cap_type: Union[str, int, Atom] = 'H') -> None: """Initialize a :class:`SplitMol` instance.""" self.mol = mol self.bonds = bond_list self.cap_type = cap_type # Private variables which are modified in __enter__ and __exit__ self._at_pairs = None self._vars_backup = None self._tmp_mol_list = None """####################################### Properties #######################################""" @property def bonds(self) -> Dict[Bond, None]: """Getter: Return :attr:`SplitMol.bonds`. Setter: Assign the provided value as a dictionary with bonds as keys and their matching index as value.""" # noqa return self._bonds @bonds.setter def bonds(self, value: Union[Bond, Iterable[Bond]]) -> None: if isinstance(value, Bond): self._bonds = {value: None} else: self._bonds = {i: None for i in value} @property def cap_type(self) -> str: """Getter: Return :attr:`SplitMol.cap_type`. Setter: Assign the provided value after parsing the atom type (:class:`str`).""" # noqa return self._cap_type @cap_type.setter def cap_type(self, value: Union[str, int, Atom]) -> None: if isinstance(value, int): self._cap_type = PT.get_symbol(value) elif isinstance(value, Atom): self._cap_type = value.symbol elif isinstance(value, str): if value.capitalize() not in PT.symtonum: raise PTError(f"Trying to convert an invalid atomic symbol: {reprlib.repr(value)}") self._cap_type = value else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid atom type: {repr(type(value))}") """Methods for manipulating the molecule.""" def cap_fragments(self, bond: Bond) -> Dict[Atom, Atom]: """Delete a bond from :attr:`SplitMol.mol` and cap the resulting fragments with :attr:`SplitMol.cap_type`. Parameters ---------- bond : |plams.Bond| A PLAMS bond. Returns ------- :class:`dict` [|plams.Atom|, |plams.Atom|] A dictionary with the old atoms in **bond** as keys and their new capping atoms as values. """ # noqa mol = self.mol symbol = self.cap_type # Construct the capping atoms atom1, atom2 = bond.atom1, bond.atom2 atom1_cap = Atom(symbol=symbol, coords=atom2.coords) atom2_cap = Atom(symbol=symbol, coords=atom1.coords) mol.add_atom(atom1_cap, adjacent=[atom1]) mol.add_atom(atom2_cap, adjacent=[atom2]) # Resize the capping atom bond length1 = atom1.radius + atom1_cap.radius length2 = atom2.radius + atom2_cap.radius mol.bonds[-2].resize(atom1_cap, length1) mol.bonds[-1].resize(atom2_cap, length2) # Delete the old bond and return a dictionary containg marking all new bonds return {atom1: atom1_cap, atom2: atom2_cap} def reassemble(self) -> None: """Reassemble :attr:`SplitMol.mol` from its consitituent components in :attr:`SplitMol._tmp_mol_list`. All capping atoms (and their respective bonds) specified in :attr:`SplitMol._at_pairs` are removed and the previously broken bonds (stored in :attr:`SplitMol.bonds`) are restored. """ # noqa mol = self.mol mark = self._at_pairs bonds = self.bonds _iterator = enumerate(zip(mark, bonds), start=(1 - len(bonds))) for i, (atom_dict, bond) in _iterator: # Extract atoms iterator = iter(atom_dict.items()) atom1, atom1_cap = next(iterator) atom2, atom2_cap = next(iterator) atom1_cap.bonds[0].resize(atom1_cap, atom1.radius + atom2.radius) atom2_cap.bonds[0].resize(atom2_cap, atom1.radius + atom2.radius) # Allign the molecules by rotation vec1 = atom2.vector_to(atom2_cap) vec2 = atom1_cap.vector_to(atom1) rotmat = rotation_matrix(vec1, vec2) atom2.mol.rotate(rotmat) # Allign the molecules by translation vec_trans = atom2.vector_to(atom1_cap) atom2.mol.translate(vec_trans) # Replace the capping atom bonds with the previously broken bond atom1.bonds[-1] = bond atom2.bonds[-1] = bond # Don't bother transfering ownsership for the last fragment if i: _tmp_mol = atom1.mol _tmp_mol.atoms += atom2.mol.atoms _tmp_mol.bonds += atom2.mol.bonds for at in atom2.mol.atoms: at.mol = _tmp_mol for bond in atom2.mol.bonds: bond.mol = _tmp_mol # Ensure all atoms and bonds belong to mol for at in mol.atoms: at.mol = mol for bond in mol.bonds: bond.mol = mol # Resize bonds for atom_dict, bond in zip(mark, bonds): atom1, atom2 = atom_dict length = atom1.radius + atom2.radius bond.resize(atom1, length) def lock_mol(self) -> None: """Lock :attr:`SplitMol.mol`, preventing any access to the instance.""" mol = self.mol mol.atoms = mol.bonds = FrozenList() def unlock_mol(self) -> None: """Unlock :attr:`SplitMol.mol`, restoring access to the instance.""" self.mol.__dict__ = self._vars_backup @staticmethod def reset_vars(obj: Any) -> None: """Replace all instance variables of **obj** with empty instances of their respective class. A value will be substituted for ``None`` if a :exc:`TypeError` is encountered during instance creation. Parameters ---------- obj : |Any| A class instance with the :attr:`__dict__` attribute. """ vars_dct = vars(obj) for k, v in vars_dct.items(): cls = type(v) try: # More foolproof than .__init__(), especially for empty class instances vars_dct[k] = cls.__new__(cls) except TypeError: # For some classes even the .__new__ method fails (e.g. range or np.ndarray objects) vars_dct[k] = None """############################# Context manager magic methods #############################""" def __enter__(self) -> Tuple[Molecule]: """Enter the :class:`SplitMol` context manager; return a list of molecules.""" # Create a backup of mols' instance variables mol = self.mol self._vars_backup = vars(mol) mol.__dict__ = {k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in vars(mol).items()} # Add capping atoms along the to-be split bonds self._at_pairs = [self.cap_fragments(bond) for bond in self.bonds] # Actually delete the to-be split bonds and split the molecule for bond in self.bonds: mol.delete_bond(bond) self._tmp_mol_list = mol.separate_mod() # Lock al instance variables of mol # Accessing mol will now raise a MoleculeError for as long as the context manager is open self.lock_mol() return self._tmp_mol_list def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: """Exit the :class:`SplitMol` context manager.""" # Restore all instance variables of mol self.unlock_mol() # Delete all capping atoms recreate the previously broken bond(s) self.reassemble() # Delete all instance variables of the temporary molecules # All variables are replaced with empty instance of their respective class for mol_tmp in self._tmp_mol_list: self.reset_vars(mol_tmp)
class FrozenList(list): """A list subclass that will raise a |MoleculeError| upon modification of an instance.""" def __init__(self, *args, exc_type: Type[Exception] = MoleculeError, exc_msg: str = ("'Molecule' objects are inaccessible while opened in " "the 'SplitMol' context manager"), **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.exc_type = exc_type self.exc_msg = exc_msg def raise_exception(self, *args, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: raise self.exc_type(self.exc_msg) __delitem__ = __iadd__ = __setitem__ = raise_exception append = clear = extend = insert = pop = remove = reverse = sort = raise_exception