Bond Dissociation Energy

Calculate the bond dissociation energy (BDE) of ligands attached to the surface of the core. The calculation consists of five distinct steps:

1. Dissociate all combinations of n ligands (Y, see qd.dissociate.lig_count) and an atom from the core (X, see qd.dissociate.core_atom) within a radius r from aforementioned core atom (see qd.dissociate.lig_core_dist and qd.dissociate.core_core_dist). The dissociated compound has the general structure of XYn.

2. Optimize the geometry of XYn at the first level of theory (lvl1): ADF MOPAC [1, 2, 3].

3. Calculate the “electronic” contribution to the BDE (dE) at the first level of theory (lvl1): ADF MOPAC [1, 2, 3]. This step consists of single point calculations of the complete quantum dot, XYn and all XYn-dissociated quantum dots.

4. Calculate the thermalchemical contribution to the BDE (ddG) at the second level of theory (lvl2): ADF UFF [4, 5]. This step consists of geometry optimizations and frequency analyses of the same compounds used for step 3.

5. dG = dElvl1 + ddGlvl2 = dElvl1 + ( dGlvl2 - dElvl2 ).

Default Settings

            core_atom: Cd
            lig_count: 2
            core_core_dist: 5.0
            lig_core_dist: 5.0
                7: vertice
                8: edge
                10: face

            job1: AMSJob
            s1: True
            job2: AMSJob
            s2: True


qd.dissociate.core_atom str or int = Cd

The atomic number or atomic symbol of the core atoms (X) which are to be dissociated. The core atoms are dissociated in combination with n ligands (Y, see qd.dissociate.lig_count). Yields a compound with the general formula XYn.

qd.dissociate.lig_count int = 2

The number of ligands, n, which is to be dissociated in combination with a single core atom (X, see qd.dissociate.core_atom). Yields a compound with the general formula XYn.

qd.dissociate.core_core_dist float = 5.0

The maximum to be considered distance (Ångström) between atoms in qd.dissociate.core_atom. Used for determining the topology of the core atom (see qd.dissociate.topology) and whether it is exposed to the surface of the core or not. It is recommended to use a radius which encapsulates a single (complete) shell of neighbours.

qd.dissociate.lig_core_dist float = 5.0

Dissociate all possible combinations of n ligands and a single core atom (see qd.dissociate.core_atom) within a given radius (Ångström) from aforementioned core atom. The number of ligands dissociated in combination with a single core atom is controlled by qd.dissociate.lig_count.


qd.dissociate.topology dict = {7: vertice, 8: edge, 10: face}

A dictionary which translates the number neighbouring core atoms (see qd.dissociate.core_atom and qd.dissociate.core_core_dist) into a topology. Keys represent the number of neighbours, values represent the matching topology.

Note: values can take on any user-specified value (e.g. Miller indices) and are thus not limited to vertice, edge and/or face.

Arguments - Job Customization

qd.dissociate.job1 type, str or bool = AMSJob

A type object of a Job subclass, used for calculating the “electronic” component (dElvl1) of the bond dissociation energy. Involves single point calculations.

Alternatively, an alias (str) can be provided for a specific job type (see Type Aliases).

Setting it to True (bool) will default to type (AMSJob), while False (bool) is equivalent to optional.qd.dissociate = False.

qd.dissociate.s1 Settings, str or bool =

            model: PM7
                charge: 0

The job Settings used for calculating the “electronic” component (dElvl1) of the bond dissociation energy.

Alternatively, a path (str) can be provided to .json or .yaml file containing the job settings.

Setting it to True (bool) will default to the MOPAC block in CAT/data/templates/qd.yaml, while False (bool) is equivalent to optional.qd.dissociate = False.

qd.dissociate.job2 type, str or bool = AMSJob

A type object of a Job subclass, used for calculating the thermal component (ddGlvl2) of the bond dissociation energy. Involves a geometry reoptimizations and frequency analyses.

Alternatively, an alias (str) can be provided for a specific job type (see Type Aliases).

Setting it to True (bool) will default to type (AMSJob), while False (bool) will skip the thermochemical analysis completely.

qd.dissociate.s2 Settings, str or bool =

            library: uff
                charge: 0
                    _1: null

The job Settings used for calculating the thermal component (ddGlvl2) of the bond dissociation energy.

Alternatively, a path (str) can be provided to .json or .yaml file containing the job settings.

Setting it to True (bool) will default to the the MOPAC block in CAT/data/templates/qd.yaml, while False (bool) will skip the thermochemical analysis completely.